
I've been toying around with the idea of a blog for awhile, it just seems like a great place to save and share my musings and activities in a way that social media just can't. I've had ideas to write about for years but never got around to putting pen to paper (or key to keyboard) but figure now is as good a time as any. This blog will have a wide scope, whatever interests me (which believe me, is a lot) and whatever I have strong feelings/ideas about. I love to toy around with ideas and concepts and while I'd never consider myself a writer, I've always enjoyed writing down ideas and fleshing them out. This hopefully will be quite rewarding for me, to get in the practice of picking my own brain as well as producing "quality" content, but also hopefully be interesting or insightful to read (if only for examples of what NOT to do/think). But regardless of my skill level or degree of interest, the only way to get better is to do. So that's what I'm going to do, hopefully regularly share my ideas, whether I'm discussing a book or movie or just talking about life, hopefully this will be an interesting record into the journey into the mind of Nathan Paul Reiher.


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